Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Thoughts: The Golden Friendship

A friend is a golden treasure I will safe keep and cherish forever.

I went through my "baul" this morning since it's holiday and have nothing else to do. I missed my old friends and those precious moments we have shared. I also get to browse my sticker collections that I've carefully preserved in photo albums. It was a great feeling to see the proof of my fun-filled teenage years once again.As I re-read the Birthday, Valentine's, Christmas and Graduation cards, the retreat and thank you letters and the messages written in my bunch of slum books, I laughed and cried at the same time. Reading those messages on my idle time, takes my boredom away and it really makes me feel good, knowing that somehow I made my friends smile and enjoy the school life.
It made me realize that even a simple card with a simple note of appreciation on it can have a very big impact to its recipient. It can make you feel special in a way. I am not against e-cards, emails or text messaging but I prefer the traditional way of hand-writing your thoughts to another person. I find it more thoughtful and sweet. Aside from it being more personal, it also gives the letter some kind of authenticity.

I always wanted to be an inspiration to others. I don't know what my mission is in this world but one thing I really wanted to do is to make other people happy and inspire them to also inspire others. Doing little things is one of my ways in reaching out a friend, it may not be noticeable but it is always sincere. I have also brought this attitude with me in my workplace and now doing the same way to colleagues and even to customers.I wish and hope that there will be these people(a friend or even a stranger) whom I will truly inspire before I take on a new journey. That would be my greatest feat in this lifetime!

"If you leave something wonderful with those who come to your life, they will find it hard to erase you from their hearts...Little things matter most." -from a friend.

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